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Delivering a Modern Customer Journey through Digital Transformation

By Jodie Gilroy posted 03-16-2018 11:48 AM


Delivering a Modern Customer Journey through Digital Transformation

*This blog was reposted from Ledgeview Partners -

The way customers consume content nowadays is extremely digital. Their first impression and following interactions with your business often stem from digital resources.

This should come as no surprise, no matter what department you are in, within your company.

To deliver a modern customer journey through digital transformation, businesses must not just transfer their content from the “real world” to the digital realm but create purpose, customization, and a spider web of assets behind it to more fully support the business’ mission.

The customer journey is very complex.

Despite your industry, as a business owner or employee within any sort of business, you must consider the following:

“Every company is a software company,” says Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. “You have to start thinking and operating like a digital company. It’s no longer just about procuring one solution and deploying one. It’s not about one simple software solution. It’s really you, yourself, thinking of your own future as a digital company.”

In lamens terms, you could infer “if you’re not digital, you’re not relevant.”

LinkedIn Pulse would agree that “if you’re not online, you don’t exist.”

Think about it …

Whether you are providing a service, product, or something else, ask yourself: where will customers or potential customers go to get information on your brand?

Where will they go to find reviews and discover the worthiness of their investment in your product or service?

Without digital assets, companies are left with little relevant support. This is the rule in the modern age of business and digital technology. There are slim to no exceptions.

Since the digital realm is always evolving and expanding, be aware things won’t stop with digital customer buyer journies; they’ll only progress.

It’s common knowledge across all aspects of life, that “change is the only constant.” Inherit that knowledge, then apply it to your digital philosophy.

Make this awareness an integral part of your digital strategy. It’s time to step up your game now!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 explains the best way to deliver a valuable customer journey in the digital realm is to not only think from the consumer’s perspective but take a day to put your hand on their mouses.

How are they navigating online? What is their experience on your website, app, or social channels? Do you offer Live Chat?

Is it easy to contact your company via your website or social networks? What is the purpose of the content you create? Is it a clear reflection of your business objectives, ongoing promotions, etc.?

Example of a Comprehensive Customer Journey through the Digital Experience
If you are a retailer and see that a customer, let’s call her Julie, is viewing your website, you may start to nurture Julie, and send her coupons via email.

The next day, Julie heads to your store, as she has limited time to use your coupon. You increased her sense of urgency and intrigue. She took the action you strategized and anticipated.

While at the store, Julie’s customer journey is enhanced.

Julie notices a Kiosk that allows her to digitally try on sweaters in the store without actually having to physically try them on in the dressing room.

The Kiosk lets Julie select a product and see it in various colors. Julie can swipe through the style, and quickly determine what color best fits her features and personality.

It doesn’t stop there, though.

Once Julie decides, she makes her way to the back of the store and is met by a customer service representative who recognizes her.

The rep notices Julie was on the business’ app and website last night, and now offers Julie recommendations based on her digital behaviors. The rep recommends a pair of shoes to match the sweater she has chosen.

Not only can the rep see this information, but scan Julie’s items as she goes, making the checkout and pickup process a lot easier for Julie.

In addition, the rep can now see how many shoes of that type have been sold via their CRM system. All of the information has been connected the entire time.

The rep can see volume sold, purchase behaviors of other customers, buyer trends, and project business outcomes. These are all possibilities with Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation.

From there, the rep can manage inventory, order it in a timely fashion, and create a new customer journey for the next buyer, behind the scenes.

Julie’s experience was interactive, efficient, and personalized. Her experience started and ended digitally.

The possibilities of modern technology are thorough and expansive, especially with CRM to boost your business.

